Strike Expands Bitcoin Purchase Services Globally, Introduces New Fee Structure

Strike Expands Bitcoin Purchase Services Globally, Introduces New Fee Structure

#1 Crypto Trading Robot

Key Insights:

  • Strike now offers Bitcoin purchasing in 36 countries, applying a 3.9% fee for users outside the U.S., broadening its global reach.
  • Through partnerships with and Bitrefill, Strike integrates Bitcoin into everyday transactions, enhancing user utility.
  • Strike focuses on feature enhancements for efficient global Bitcoin transactions and diverse financial activities for its users.

Strike, a crypto payment company, has expanded its Bitcoin purchase services worldwide, a notable change from its previous US-only operations. This expansion aligns with the increasing global adoption and standardization of cryptocurrency transactions.

Widening the Reach: Bitcoin Access Goes Global

Initially, Strike provided its US clients with the option to buy Bitcoin free of extra charges. This move drew significant interest and established a new standard in the crypto payment sector. Capitalizing on this momentum, Strike has broadened these offerings to a global market, embracing 36 countries such as El Salvador, Australia, and several African countries. The company has also revealed ambitions to increase its presence even more, intending to serve over 65 countries shortly.

The worldwide growth of Strike’s services comes with an updated pricing model. While U.S. customers can still buy Bitcoin without extra charges, a 3.9 percent fee on each transaction has been implemented for users outside the U.S. Even with this added cost, Jack Mallers, the founder of Strike, maintains that these fees remain competitive. He also mentioned the company’s intention to potentially lower these fees, subject to the volume of transactions processed.

Beyond the regular fraud prevention measures overseeing new accounts and substantial withdrawals, Mallers affirmed the absence of daily caps on Bitcoin purchases and withdrawals, thereby increasing the flexibility of transactions for users.

Collaborations and Technological Advancements

In its endeavor to streamline global Bitcoin purchases, Strike has partnered with This collaboration is crucial in facilitating the new payment feature, as provides its card network gateway, including significant providers like  MasterCard and Visa. This integration is expected to simplify the process for users worldwide, making buying Bitcoin directly from the platform more efficient.


Moreover, the company has recently collaborated with Bitrefill, a move that significantly broadens the utility of Bitcoin for Strike users. This partnership allows users to use their Bitcoin holdings for everyday essentials, such as purchasing gift cards, paying for subscriptions to streaming platforms, and even covering mobile phone charges. Integrating Bitcoin into daily financial activities is a significant step forward in the mainstream acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies.

Strike’s Vision for a Comprehensive Bitcoin Platform

Strike’s primary objective is to become a leading platform for Bitcoin-related services. It is diligently upgrading its offerings, concentrating on aspects such as Lightning Address integration, including 0-value invoices, tiered on-chain payments, and facilitating global peer-to-peer payments in multiple forms of currency, including fiat, USDT, and Bitcoin. These improvements aim to deliver a more flexible and all-encompassing user experience, encompassing everyday financial transactions and investments.

Strike’s expansion into the global market represents a significant milestone in the crypto payment industry. By enabling users worldwide to purchase Bitcoin directly through their platform and forming strategic partnerships to enhance the user experience, Strike is at the forefront of simplifying and normalizing cryptocurrency transactions. 

The firm’s commitment to competitive pricing and its focus on technological innovation and strategic collaborations positions it as a critical player in driving the future of cryptocurrency adoption and usage.

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Christopher Craig
About Author

Christopher Craig

Christopher Craig, a crypto literary savant, masterfully deciphers the intricate world of blockchain. Blending astute analysis with a clear narrative, Christopher's articles offer readers a lucid understanding of digital currencies. As the crypto sector expands, his erudite insights continue to guide both novices and seasoned enthusiasts

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